Understanding KKE

Understanding KKE

Professionals at KKE

KKE is a professional group that aims to become a world-class design and engineering company. As we seek to bridge research institutes and industries and create new solutions to complex social issues, we are expected not only to dig deep into a specific technology, but also to have abilities and knowledge to combine different technologies. Moreover, it is also important to be an autonomous and independent entity. We strive to reach the goal set by ourselves beyond the scope of work and responsibilities given to us with a strong will. These professionals are the ones that will realize KKE’s aspiration to create a future society full of wisdom.

Continuing to be a Professional

As a professional group entity, we share the ideas and attitudes we want to embrace, which we refer to as the KKE WAY, and put them into use. To promote a better understanding of what sort of company KKE is aiming to become, what sort of people we are looking for and what sort of organization and office culture we are trying to create, we would like to introduce our values toward our work in three layers of the KKE WAY.

Continuing to be a Professional

Values We Are Aiming For

We are a company that creates “engineering knowledge” generated by combining “scholastic knowledge” created through joint research activities with universities and research institutions and “empirical knowledge” gained through works with other companies. “Engineering knowledge” is a knowledge acquired by solving various social issues through a scientific approach and knowledge generated from solid conviction based on professional knowledge and experience as an engineer. But it is never complete and is only an “optimum solution at the moment” within various limitations imposed by time, technology and cost. Therefore, KKE staff members are required to constantly ask themselves if their solutions are feasible enough to be regarded as “engineering knowledge.”

Values We Are Aiming For

Attributes of an Individual

KKE believes that top engineers have three attributes, namely strength, depth and breadth. Each attribute is composed of two elements as follows: “Strength” = “Autonomy” + “Self-Assurance,” “Depth” = “Simple Honesty” + “Fallibilism,” “Breadth” = “Co-Creation” + “Redundancy (as in knowledge beyond one’s professional field).” The two elements complement each other and conflict with each other at the same time. For example, “autonomy” achieved by oneself conflicts with “co-creation” which requires cooperation with others, but we do not “choose one over the other.”This is because KKE believes that the process of integrating both at a high level while embracing each of the elements allows individuals to grow.

*Fallibilism- The act of continuously disproving one’s action keeping in mind one’s own imperfection and the possibility of making mistakes.
*Co-Creation- To share a direction with people with different knowledge and abilities and aim to carry out creative activities together.
*Ability to acquire different knowledge and skills which are not directly related to one’s own field.
Attributes of an Individual

A Place for Inspiration and Growth

KKE’s corporate culture encourages three activities: 1. “Entrust” to reinforce one’s strength 2. “Connect” to expand one’s strength 3. “Enquire” to increase the depth of one’s strength. The members are required not only to exercise one’s field of knowledge and skills but also to explore outside of the field and connect with many individuals from different fields to achieve the tasks. To support this approach, KKE also encourage “Shadow Work” where one can participate or organize academic activities and workshops such as learning or sharing new skills inspiring and contributing to growth of KKE professionals.

A Field for Inspiration and Growth